I just ate a cookie.
oh yeah, a nice big 200 calorie cookie
and it didnt even taste good.
...I should have just eaten my salad.
FML - now I HAVE to do something active tonight - but im just so low and depressed. but I feel like I might explode at the very same time, screaming and yelling so they have to lock me up. - FML
.H. and I are going to have salmon again - im sitting at the cookie, and 4 almonds, my salad and my cran juice - 351 - I would love to keep it under 500 - im trying to talk .H. - into buying a food scale. I will let you know!
Himalaya Succulent
5 months ago
That's usually how I feel after I've eaten something that I shouldn't. "Why did I eat this? It's not even that great!"